TERMS OF USE This package implements the procedure presented in: Milanesi, L., Pilotti, M., Ranzi, R., A conceptual model of people's vulnerability to floods, Water Resources Research, Issue ???, pp. ???, 2020. This software is provided free of charge and is intellectual property of the Authors. As well, all software is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind,express or implied. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether in tort, contract or otherwise shall we be liable to you or to any other person for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without imitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, malfunction or for any and all other damages or losses. If you do not agree with these terms, then you are advised to not use this software. Although use of this code is free of charge,the following paper must be acknowledged: Milanesi, L., Pilotti, M., Ranzi, R., A conceptual model of people's vulnerability to floods, Water Resources Research, Issue ???, pp. ???, 2020. DESCRIPTION After specifying the physical parameters within the parameters.in ASCII file, two different modes of use are possible: in the first mode, the curves shown in Figure 3 of the paper can be computed as a h(U) vector. These vectors can be mapped using the Matlab script provided at the same page. This mode allows checking the effect of different physical parameters on the proposed relationships. The second mode is suitable for practical use of the model. After that the hydraulic simulation of a flood event has been accomplished, for each cell of coordinates x,y,z, suitable values of h, U, slope s and density are available. These data can be listed in an ASCII file (file example1.txt provides an example) and read by the program. An output ASCII file with (x, y, z, h, U, s, rho, risk) will be created. These risk levels (from 1: low risk - to 3: high risk) can be easily imported and mapped within any GIS program. CONTENTS The package contains the following files: risk_mapper.exe This program can work in 2 modes: - mode 1: the curves for adults and children stability are plotted using the combination of the input parameters in parameters.in; - mode 2: the program reads an ASCII input file (*.in) containing three local coordinates (x,y,z; in case 0,0,0 can be provided), local water depth, flow velocity, local slope and flow density. The program writes a similar file where the corresponding risk level, based on parameters.in, is added as an additional column. curve_plotter.m This MATLAB script reads the files adult.txt and child.txt written from risk_mapper.exe when working in mode 1 and plots the threshold curves for adults and children for the selected combination of parameters in parameters.in. The path of the input files to the script must be changed in lines 4 and 7. The package programs and the input files must be in the same directory. No installation is required INPUT FILES parameters.in This file contains the input parameters for hazard_mapper.exe and it is built as: 2 flag_mode: 1 if curve_reproduction mode; 2 if hazard_classification mode 0 Slope [m/m] 1000 Density of fluid 1 Cc 1 0.26 Torso diameter, adult [m] 0.13 Leg diameter, adult [m] 0.17 Torso diameter, child [m] 0.085 Leg diameter, child [m] 1.71 Height, adult [m] 1.21 Height, child [m] 71. Mass, adult [kg] 22.4 Mass, child [kg] 0.46 friction_coeff *.in The name of the file in the last row is used only if flag_mode = 2. In such a case, the asterisk must be changed with the name of the data file that will be processed. The values or file names can be changed by the user, while no flag can be added in the last row, where only the name of the file containing the input data for risk_mapper.exe working in mode 2 must be added. This file has a free ASCII format: 675242.345 4130831.476 54 1 1 0.05 1000 675253.345 4130832.476 50 1 1 0.05 1000 . . . The coloumns identify respectively x coordinate, y coordinate, z coordinate, water depth h, flow velocity U, local slope and fluid density. Each line identifies a cell of the flooded domain. The coordinates must be expressed in decimal degrees (geographical coordinates) or meters (projected coordinates). The file example1.in is an example of this type of file file. OUTPUT FILES The outputs of risk_mapper.exe used in mode 1 provides the files adult.txt and child.txt in ASCII format. They represent the stability threshold respectively for adults and children. The files have a 1 line header. The first coloumn identifies flow velocity and the second one flow depth: U h 0.5 0.36 1 0.4 . . . risk_mapper.exe in mode 2 writes the file risk.out that has a similar structure to the file *.in and one more coloumn representing the risk value is added: 1 low risk 2 medium risk 3 high risk This file has a free ASCII format: 675242.345 4130831.476 54 1 1 0.05 1000 2 675252.345 4130831.476 50 1 1 0.05 1000 1 . . .