Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Architettura, Territorio e Ambiente e di Matematica






Baldassare Bacchi: Full Professor of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures

Roberto Ranzi, PhD: Full Professor of Urban Drainage Systems and River and Torrent Training

Alessandro Muraca: Associate Professor of Water Supply and Urban Drainage

Marco Pilotti, PhD: Associate Professor of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Massimo Tomirotti, PhD: Associate Professor of Hydrology

Giovanna Grossi, PhD: Assistant Professor of Hydraulic Structures

Stefano Barontini, PhD: Assistant Professor of Environmental Hydraulics

Matteo Balistrocchi, PhD: Assistant Researcher of Hydraulic Structures

Daniela Sanzeni: Assistant Researcher of Hydraulic Structures

Giulia Valerio: PhD Student of Hydraulic Engineering

Van Chin Le: PhD Student of Hydraulic Engineering

Hoang Son Nguyen: PhD Student of Hydraulic Engineering


a) Major Research Topics


1.        Hydraulics

- Numerical methods for the integration of Shallow Water Equations on irregular topographies;

- Mathematical  modelling of Dam Break flows; simplified methods fo the estimation of the outflow  hydrograph following dam break scenarios;

- Lymnology: experimental study and 3D numerical modelling of the hydrodynamics of the Lake Iseo (northern Italy);

- Numerical simulation of flows within porous media;

- Sediment transport.


2.        Hydrology

- Flood forecasting via meteorological and hydrological models;

- Climate change effects on water resources and hydropower generation;

- Monitoring and modelling of Alpine glaciers;

- Experimental and theoretical study of the hydraulic properties of soils; 

- Statistical methods for the estimation of flood flows and heavy rainfall depths;

- Estimation of floods in ungauged catchments.


3.        Hydraulic Structures

- Urban drainage systems: probabilistic methods for the design of storage and stormwater capture tanks;

- Experimental evaluation of the performances of permeable pavements;

- Effects of Minimum Instream Flow standards on design and management of hydraulic structures;

- Integrated water resources management;

- Restoration of river beds and river banks;

- Flood control reservoirs.


b) Major Research Projects


Hydrograph estimation for designing reservoirs, Research Contract by ENEL, 1999;

RAPHAEL, Runoff and Atmospheric Processes for flood HAzard forEcasting and controL, European Commission - 4th Framework Programme, 10 partners (CH, D, F, CANADA). Coordinator: Prof. Baldassare Bacchi, DICATA- University of Brescia, Italy, 1998-2000;

Water Monitor, Craft European Project, in cooperation with Vienna University, Scan (Wien), Dunvegan Network (England), Mesurex (Spain) and PPT (Italy), 2003 – 2004;

Algorithms for  land classification with microwave monitoring, Research Contract by ASI-Italian Space Agency, 2003-2004;

Study of a hydrogeological system to assist flood control in the Red River delta (China-Vietnam), funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology, 2007-2008;

Monitoring and Modelling of Lake Iseo hydrodynamics, Research Contract by Consorzio di Gestione Associata Lago di Iseo, Endine e Moro, 2009-2010;

KULTURISK, Knowledge-based approach to develop a cULTUre of RISK prevention, European Commission - 7th Framework Programme, 11 partners (I, NL, SLO, CH, UK, EU), 2010-2013.


c) Events


NEW! Seminar : La metodologia KULTURISK-­‐FP7 e l'applicazione della Direttiva Alluvioni, CSMT Gestione, 6 December 2013

NEW! Seminar : Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai’s Lectures, DICATAM, University of Brescia, 18—21 November 2013

NEW! Seminar : Giornata di studio su progetto e gestione delle stazioni di pompaggio, University of Brescia, 22 November 2013

Congress : XXXIII Conference of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering, University of Brescia, 10—14 September 2012

Course : 1st IAHR-WMO Short course on Stream gauging, University of Brescia, 6 - 9 September 2011


d) Selected publications


BACCHI B., BECCIU G., KOTTEGODA N.T. (1994). Bivariate exponential model applied to intensities and durations of extreme rainfall. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, vol. 155(1-2); p. 225-236,  ISSN: 0022-1694

BACCHI B., KOTTEGODA N.T. (1994). Identification and calibration of spatial correlation patterns of rainfall. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, vol. 165(1-4); p. 311-348  ISSN: 0022-1694

BACCHI B., RANZI R., BORGA M. (1996). Recognition of the statistical character of spatial patterns of rainfall cells. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, vol. 101(D21); p. 26,277-26,286, ISSN : 0148-0227

PILOTTI M. (1998). Generation of Realistic Porous Media by Grains Sedimentation. TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA, vol. 33; p. 257-278, ISSN: 0169-3913

RANZI R., GROSSI G., BACCHI B. (1999). Ten years of monitoring areal snowpack in the Southern Alps using NOAA-AVHRR imagery, ground measurements and hydrological data. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, vol. 13; p. 2079-2095, ISSN: 0885-6087

AURELI F., MIGNOSA P., TOMIROTTI M. (2000). Numerical simulation and experimental verification of Dam-Break flows with shocks. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, vol. 38(3); p. 197-206, ISSN: 0022-1686

PILOTTI M., MENDUNI G. (2001). Beginning of sediment transport of incoherent grains in shallow shear flows. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, vol. 39; p. 115-124, ISSN: 0022-1686

MAIONE U., MIGNOSA P., TOMIROTTI M. (2003). Regional Estimation Model of Synthetic Design Hydrographs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT, vol. 1(2); p. 151-163, ISSN: 1571-5124

RANZI R., BACCHI B., GROSSI G. (2003). Runoff measurements and hydrological modelling for the estimation of rainfall volumes in an alpine basin. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 129-B; p. 653-672, ISSN: 0035-9009

CAGNATI A, CREPAZ A, MACELLONI G, PAMPALONI P, RANZI R, TEDESCO M, TOMIROTTI M., VALT M (2004). Study of the snow melt-freeze cycle using multi-sensor data and snow modelling. THE JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY, vol. 50(170); p. 419-426, ISSN: 0022-1430

MALGUZZI P., GROSSI G., BUZZI A., RANZI R., BUIZZA R. (2006). The 1966 century flood in Italy: a meteorological and hydrological revisitation. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, vol. 111; D24106, ISSN: 0148-0227, doi: 0.1029/2006JD007111

MURACA A., MANGONE V. (2006). Drenaggio urbano. Teorie e applicazioni per l'accumulo, il trattamento e lo smaltimento delle acque meteoriche, Nuova Editoriale Bios, Cosenza, ISBN: 8860930057

BARONTINI S., RANZI R., BACCHI B. (2007). Water dynamics in a gradually nonhomogeneous soil descibed by the linerized Richards equation. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 43, ISSN: 0043-1397, doi: 10.1029/2006WR005126

MONTANARI A., GROSSI G. (2008). Estimating the uncertainty of hydrological forecasts: a statistical approach. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 44, W00B08; p. 1-9, ISSN: 0043-1397, doi: 10.1029/2008WR006897

BALISTROCCHI M., GROSSI G., BACCHI B. (2009). An analytical probabilistic model of the quality efficiency of a sewer tank. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, vol. 45, W12420 ISSN: 0043-1397, doi: 10.1029/2009WR007822

BARONTINI S., GROSSI G., KOUWEN N., MARAN S., SCARONI P., RANZI R. (2009). Impacts of climate change scenarios on runoff regimes in the southern Alps. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES DISCUSSIONS, vol. 6; p. 3089-3141, ISSN: 1812-2108

NGO L.A., VU M.C., HOANG T.T., BUZZI A., DROFA O., DO L.T., BARONTINI S., RANZI R. (2010). A hydrometeorological flood forecasting system for the reservoir control in the Red River, Proc. of ICOLD-International Commission on Large Dams International Symposium "Dams & Sustainable Water Resources Development" (on CD), Hanoi 23-25 May 2010.

PILOTTI M., TOMIROTTI M., VALERIO G., BACCHI B. (2010). A simplified method for the characterization of the hydrograph following a sudden partial dam break. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, vol. 136(10); p. 693-704, ISSN: 0733-9429

RANZI R., GROSSI G., GITTI A., TASCHNER S. (2010). Energy and mass balance of the Mandrone Glacier (Adamello, Central Alps). GEOGRAFIA FISICA E DINAMICA QUATERNARIA, vol. 33; p. 45-60, ISSN: 0391-9838

PILOTTI M., MARANZONI A., TOMIROTTI M., VALERIO G. (2011). The 1923 Gleno dam-break: case study and numerical modelling. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, vol. 137, ISSN: 0733-9429 (in press)

Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory                                        University of Brescia Meteorological Station







a) Lake Salarno Dam (hydropower system of the Oglio river basin, Central Italian Alps); b) Simulated map of the mean annual mass balance of the Mandrone Glacier (Adamello, Central Italian Alps) averaged over the period 1995-2009; c) Hydraulics and Hydrology Laboratory: experimental equipment for the evaluation of the performances of permeable pavements; d) Monitoring and Modelling of Lake Iseo hydrodynamics.