Università degli Studi di Brescia (Coordinator), DICATAM Department, project leader: Prof. Marco Pilotti. Resposible for the quantification of the phosphorous load entering the lake from the main tributaries (WP1); sewage modelling (WP5); lake modelling (WP6); project dissemination (WP7) and project managment (WP8).
Marco Pilotti, PhD in hydraulic engineering, project coordinator, responsible for the project managment and for the Unibs activites.Giulia Valerio, PhD in hydraulic engineering, responsible for the dissemination and contributing to the monitoring and the modeling activities.Barone, MSc in Environmental Engineering, contributing to the sewage modeling activityAndrea Piccinelli, MSc in Computer Engineering, responsible fo the database managment and the real time data visualization.
Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Bioscienze, local project leader: Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli. Responsible for the quantification of the phosporous load from overflows of the combined sewer along the lake (WP2).
Pierluigi Viaroli, PhD in Environmental Sciences, coordinator of the UniPr activitesDaniele Nizzoli, PhD in Ecology, reponsible for the hydrochemistry and biogeochemistry field work.Giampaolo Rossetti, PhD in Ecology, contributing to the understanding of the plankton ecology in the lake.Rossano Bolpagni, PhD in Ecology, responsible for the macrophyte taxonomy and ecology species distribution field work.Alessandro Scibona, MSc in Environmental Sciences, supporting the field work (hydrochemistry and biogeochemistry).
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisherie, Department of Chemical Analytics and Biogeochemistry, local project leader: Michael Hupfer. Responsible for quantification of the phosphorous fluxes from the sediments (WP3).
Michael Hupfer, PhD in Limnology, coordinator of the IGB activitesChristiane Herzog, Diploma Chemistry, contributing to the laboratory analysis of the water and sediment samplesJuliane Roth, MSc Environmental Studies, contributing to the preparation of campaigns, lab and field workMaximilian Lau, PhD in geochemistry, resposible of the field work development, and contributing to the data analysisSylvia Jordan, Diploma in Geography, resposible of the data processing and contributing to the preparation of field campaignsThomas Rossoll, Diploma in Environmental process engineering, contributing to the the field work and the samples analysis
Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council (CNR), local project leader: Claudia Giardino. Responsible for the remote monitoring of the lake surface (WP4).
Claudia Giardino, PhD in Remote Sensing, coordinator of the CNR-IREA activitiesMariano Bresciani, PhD in Ecology, responsible for the satellites image analysis and and the IREA fieldwork activitiesIlaria Cazzaniga, PhD student, contributing to the satellite data processing and the fieldwork activitiesMauro Musanti, technician, responsible for the calibration and preparation of in situ instruments