Distributed Modeling of Water-Quality in River Systems Using Drainage Networks

Distributed Modeling of Water-Quality in River Systems Using Drainage Networks

This page contains the companion files of the paper

Steady-State Distributed Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen in Data-Poor, Sewage Dominated River Systems Using Drainage Networks

authored by Marco Pilotti, Steven C. Chapra and Giulia Valerio and accepted for publication in Environmental Modeling and Software.

This software is freely available for scientific purposes, under the condition that the source paper is cited. Professional use  of the software  is welcome but requires the Author’s explicit authorization.

The source code of this program, written in DELPHI, will be made available upon request for joint collaboration projects.


Disclaimer: The software provided on this website must be used at the user’s own risk. Neither the program author nor Università degli Studi di Brescia can assume responsibility for model operation, output, interpretation or usage. The creator of this program has made his best efforts in preparing this code. It is not absolutely guaranteed to be error free. The author/programmer makes no warrantees, expressed or implied, including without limitation warrantees of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. No liability is accepted in any event for any damages, including accidental or consequential damages, lost of profits, costs of lost data or programming materials, or otherwise in connection with or arising out of the use of this program.