PPNW 2023

PPNW 2023

The University of Brescia hosted the prestigious  International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW2023) from 19 to 23 July 2023 https://hydraulics.unibs.it/hydraulics/attivita-scientifica/ppnw2023/. The conference was organized by Prof. Marco Pilotti and Prof. Giulia Valerio of the DICATAM Department.

50 scientists from all over the word (Italy, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Estonia, Finland, New Zealand, Spain, Australia) actively participated to the conference, discussing about physical processes in inland and coastal waters and their interaction with biogeochemical, atmospheric, and groundwater processes. The impact of global warming on the fate of freshwater resources, as well as the role of inland water in greenhouse gases emission were some of the main subjects of debate.

Three Italian invited speakers, Prof. Nadia Pinardi from University of Bologna, Prof. Claudia Adduce from Università degli Studi Roma tre and Dr. Dmitri Rouwet INGV-Bologna, gave us the honor of three key note lectures, showing the excellence of Italian research.

The conference was also the occasion to make the international community appreciate the exceptional historical, cultural and landscape value of Brescia and its territory, starting from the cloisters and the libraries of the University of Brescia, to the museum of S. Giulia, to Torbiere del Sebino and Monteisola.

We thank all the organizations and companies that supported the conference, contributing to the success of the event.



15/1/22: Tonga eruption recorded by lake Iseo meteorological stations

15/1/22: Tonga eruption recorded by lake Iseo meteorological stations

The massive underwater volcanic eruption in Tonga was so powerful it was recorded around the world and triggered a tsunami that flooded Pacific coastlines from Japan to the United States. The Tonga’s shock wave caused a spike in barometric pressure outputs across the world, which is cleary detachable in the air-pressure signal measured by our meteorological stations located in Iseo and Castro on 15/1 at 20.55.

Seminar by Victor Stepanenko

Seminar by Victor Stepanenko

Nell’ambito delle attività a carattere internazionale, segnalo i seguenti seminari che si terranno questo martedi e venerdi al link https://meet.google.com/ufo-gjnh-tvk

Martedi 18/5/2021 13.45-15.30

  Dr. Victor Stepanenko : “1D lake modeling: concepts, examples, applications”

Venerdì 21/5/2021 14.30-16.30

Dr. Victor Stepanenko : “New developments in 1D lake models: treatment of internal motions and mixing, biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases”

Locandina del seminario

Lecture1 (18/5/2021)

Lecture2 (21/5/2021)

Lake Iseo on Hydrolink!

Lake Iseo on Hydrolink!

The last issue of Hydrolink, the primary magazine of the IAHR community, is dedicated to hydraulic research dealing with deep lakes. The articles of this issue of Hydrolink are a call for action to address the threats to deep lakes resulting from climate change and increased nutrient loads from various human activities. An overview of several studies addressing these issues in Lake Iseo in Italy is also present, including our research activities! On the cover, the floating station managed by our hydrulic group.

Download and share at: https://static.iahr.org/library/HydroLink/HydroLink2021_01_Deep_Lakes.pdf


Prima simulazione del moto ondoso generato dalla caduta di una frana nel lago

Prima simulazione del moto ondoso generato dalla caduta di una frana nel lago

Il lago d’Iseo non è nuovo agli eventi di questi giorni e in passato è stato già interessato da eventi franosi che hanno avuto effetti non trascurabili sulle proprie sponde. Già dall’inizio di Marzo abbiamo fatto alcune simulazioni preliminari che fanno comprendere come potrebbe svolgersi la propagazione delle onde impulsive conseguenti al possibile crollo della frana di Tavernola.

New floationg station on Lake Garda

New floationg station on Lake Garda

On the 20th of September we concluded the installation of a limnological floating station on Lake Garda.

The station is located in front of Manerba, in the southern-western side of the lake, and is moored at a 100m-deep point. It is measuring at 1/min frequency wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, net total long wave radiation, water temperature at 19 depths between 0 and 99m, and dissolved oxygen at 99m depth. Details of the instruments are provided at:  http://hydraulics.unibs.it/hydraulics/stazione-galleggiante-di-manerba/

The real-time data will be available soon on the web.

Recenti osservazioni sul lago d’Iseo

Recenti osservazioni sul lago d’Iseo

In questi giorni sulla stampa locale ha fatto molto discutere la comparsa, la mattina del 27 Aprile, di una macchia nella parte nord del lago. Tale evento fornisce un’occasione per gettare uno sguardo sul complesso campo delle correnti del Lago d’Iseo e per apprezzare l’importanza di un costante monitoraggio al fine di comprendere gli eventi che interessano il lago. A questo link http://hydraulics.unibs.it/hydraulics/il-monitoraggio-del-lago-diseo/osservazioni-di-fenomenti-di-interesse/ si mostrano e commentano i dati ripresi dalle nostre stazioni di misura per fornire una chiave interpretativa, molto semplificata, di quanto accaduto.

  • 26/4/2019 17:35