Riccardo Bonomelli
Ph.D. candidate in Natural Risk Analysis and Management
Università degli Studi di Brescia
DICATAM, via Branze 43
Mail: r.bonomelli@unibs.it
Linkedin: Riccardo Bonomelli
Skype: live:rickinauta
Born in Chiari on 14 November 1993.
Scientific diploma at Liceo Scientifico Antonietti in Iseo.
Master’s degree in civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Brescia in July of 2020 with final dissertation: “Shock capturing numerical schemes for the resolution of the 2D Shallow Water Equations”. The thesis dealt with the implementation from scratch of a numerical scheme able to resolve the 2D Shallow Water Equations on general bathymetries.
since November 2020: PhD candidate at University of Brescia in the curriculum: “Natural Risk Analysis and Management” in the context of numerical methods for the assessment of the hydraulic hazard in mountain areas,
Currently working on numerical models to assess the stability of slopes at catchment scale, soil slip instability mapping. Numerical methods to predict and simulate debris flow dynamics. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and numerical methods for the resolution of the Shallow Water Equations (SWE). Arduino based solutions.
Bonomelli, R., Pilotti, M., Farina, G., 2021. Effects of anthropic changes on the propagation of the Gleno dam break wave in the Valle Camonica floodplain, EGU General Assembly, EGU21-9983.
Pilotti, M., Farina, G., Bonomelli, R., Milanesi, L., 2022. Physically based vulnerability functions for flood risk mapping in mountain areas,
IAHR 39 th World Congress in Granada “from snow to sea”.
Pilotti, M., Milanesi, L., Bacchi, V., Tomirotti, M., Maranzoni, A., Bonomelli, R., 2022. Dam break modelling in alpine areas: the Cancano
test case, XVIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche.