Gleno test case supplemental data

Gleno test case supplemental data

This page contains the supplemental data that are needed to simulate the Gleno dam break. These data are freely available for scientific purposes, under the condition that the source paper ( Pilotti, M., A. Maranzoni, M. Tomirotti and G.Valerio, The 1923 Gleno dam-break: case study and numerical modelling, J. Hydr. Engrg. Volume 137, 480, 2011) is cited.

File S1: Ancillary figures
File S2: Details concerning the upstream boundary condition used in the numerical simulations
File S3: DEM of the valley
File S4: Selected historical documents concerning the event
File S5: Outline of the flooded area estimated from historical documents
File S6: DEM of the Gleno reservoir
File S7: Frames of the 2D numerical reconstruction of the Gleno Reservoir emptying
File S8: Pictures showing the Gleno dam remains as presently visible
File S9:  Topographical maps of the valley
File S10: Selection of pictures concerning the Gleno disaster
File S11: Main results of the numerical simulations
File S12: Topographic description of the channel thalweg
File S13: Pictures useful for estimating the roughness of the channel
File S14: Geometric elements of the cross sections
File S15: List of major documentary sources
File S16: Examples of superimposition of historical pictures and 3D virtual images
File S17: Water marks