Contatti e Pubblicazioni
The Hydraulic Engineering group operates within the Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics of Università degli Studi di Brescia, with a focus on teaching and research. The research activities are mostly related to environmental issues that characterize the area where our Department is located: in particular, physical limnology, shallow water equations and hydraulic risk assessment and management.
The Hydraulics group (ICAR01) was founded in 1995. Marco Pilotti leads the group along with Giulia Valerio (Ph.D. in the field of physical limnology) and Luca Milanesi, Riccardo Bonomelli and Gabriele Farina (Ph.D. in the field of hydraulic engineering). Andrea Piccinelli is our fundamental collaborator with regard to IT support.
Marco Pilotti, Ph.D., Full Professor of Hydraulics -ICAR01-
office: DICATAM, via Branze 43, 25123 Brescia, Italy (Google Earth map and hystorical_map of Brescia)
phone: +39 030 3711292
fax: +39 030 3711312
Skype: marco-pilotti
ORCID: University URL:
Personal web-page:
Web-page of the laboratory of Hydraulics:
Web of Science ResearcherID:
ResearchGate Profile:
Giulia Valerio, Ph.D., Associate Professor
phone: +39 030 3711292
Skype: sursumvale
Personal web-page:
Luca Milanesi, Ph.D., Collaborator
Director of Consorzio di Irrigazioni Cremonesi
Skype: lmilanesi
Personal web-page:
Riccardo Bonomelli, PhD
Personal Webpage:
Gabriele Farina, PhD. candidate
Personal Webpage:
Selected publications in international Journals
- Farina, G., Pilotti, M., Milanesi, L. and Valerio G., (2025). A simple method for the enhancement of river bathymetry in LiDAR DEM, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 186, March 2025, 106354, .
- Bonomelli, R., Farina, G., Pilotti, M., Molinari, D. and Ballio, F., (2023). Historical comparison of the damage caused by the propagation of a dam break wave in a prealpine valley, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, Volume 48, August 2023, 101467 .
- Valerio, G., Pilotti, M., Scibona, A., and Nizzoli, D. (2022). Monitoring phosphorus in the tributaries of a deep lake from the perspective of the receiving water body. Hydrological processes,
- Scibona, A., Nizzoli, D., Hupfer, M., Valerio, G., Pilotti, M. & Viaroli, P., (2022), Decoupling of silica, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in a meromictic subalpine lake (Lake Iseo, Italy), Biogeochemistry,
- Milanesi L., and Pilotti M., (2021), Coupling flood propagation modeling and buildings collapse: application to the Gleno dam-break, J. Hydraulic Engrg., ASCE, 2021, 147(12): 04021047, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001941.
- Pilotti, M., Valerio, G.(2021), Lake Iseo: a paradigmatic case, Hydrolink, IAHR, Issue 1.
- Pilotti, M., Barone, L., Balistrocchi, M., Valerio, G., Milanesi, L., Nizzoli, D. (2021), Nutrient delivery efficiency of a combined sewer along a lake challenged by incipient eutrophication, Water Research, Volume 190,
- Simoncelli, S., Valerio, G.,Hupfer M., Jordan S., Pilotti, M, Kirillin G. (2020), Sources and scales of near-bottom turbulent mixing in large meromictic Lake Iseo, Journal of Great Lakes Research, ISSN 0380-1330,
- Lau M. P. , Valerio, G., Pilotti, M, Hupfer M. (2020), Intermittent meromixis controls the trophic state of warming deep lakes. Scientific Reports 10, 12928 .
- Pilotti M., Milanesi L., Bacchi V., Tomirotti M. and Maranzoni, A. (2020). Dam-break wave propagation in an alpine valley with HEC-RAS 2D: the experimental Cancano test case. J. Hydraulic Engrg., ASCE, 146(6), March 2020. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.
0001779. - Stepanenko V. M. , Valerio, G., Pilotti, M, (2020). Horizontal pressure gradient parameterization for one‐dimensional lake models, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, DOI: 10.1029/2019MS001906
- Ghirardi, N., Bolpagni, R., Bresciani, M., Valerio, G., Pilotti, M., and Giardino C. (2019). Spatiotemporal dynamics of submerged aquatic vegetation in a deep lake from Sentinel-2 data, Water, 11, 563; doi:10.3390/w11030563.
- Milanesi L., and Pilotti M., (2019). A conceptual model of vehicles stability in flood flows, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR,
- Valerio, G., Pilotti, M., Lau, M.P. and Hupfer, M., (2019). Oxycline oscillations induced by internal waves in deep Lake Iseo, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1763-1777,
- Barone, L., Pilotti, M., Valerio, G., Balistrocchi, M., Milanesi, L., Chapra, S. and Nizzoli, D. (2019) Analysis of the residual nutrient load from a combined sewer system in a watershed of a deep Italian lake, Journal of Hydrology, 571, 202-213,
- Pilotti, M. Chapra S. C. and Valerio, G. (2019). Steady-State Distributed Modeling of Dissolved Oxygen in Data-Poor, Sewage Dominated River Systems Using Drainage Networks, Environmental Modeling and Software, 111, 153-169,
- Milanesi L., Pilotti, M., Belleri, A., Marini A., and Fuchs S. (2018) Vulnerability to flash floods: a simplified structural model for masonry buildings.Water Resources Research, 54, DOI:
- Louise C. Bruce, Marieke A. Frassl, George B. Arhonditsis, Gideon Gal, David P. Hamilton, Paul C. Hanson, Amy L. Hetherington, John M. Melack, Jordan S. Read, Karsten Rinke, Anna Rigosi, Dennis Trolle, Luke Winslow, Rita Adrian, Ana I. Ayala, Serghei A. Bocaniov, Bertram Boehrer, Casper Boon, Justin D. Brookes, Thomas Bueche, Brendan D. Busch, Diego Copetti, Alicia Cortes, Elvira de Eyto, J. Alex Elliott, Nicole Gallina, Yael Gilboa, Nicolas Guyennon,Lei Huang, Onur Kerimoglu, John D. Lenters, Sally MacIntyre,Vardit Makler-Picka, Chris G. McBride, Santiago Moreira, Deniz Ozkundakci, Marco Pilotti, Francisco J. Rueda, James A. Rusaka, Nihar R. Samala, Martin Schmida, Tom Shatwella, Craig Snorthheim, Frederic Soulignac, Giulia Valerio, Leon van der Linden, Mark Vetter, Brigitte Vinçon-Leite, Junbo Wang, Michael Weber, Chaturangi Wickramaratne, R. Iestyn Woolway,Huaxia Yao, Matthew R. Hipsey, A multi-lake comparative analysis of the General Lake Model (GLM): Stress-testing across a global observatory network, April 2018, Environmental Modelling and Software 102:274-291, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.11.016
- Pilotti, M., Valerio, G., Giardino, C., Bresciani, M., Chapra, S.,(2018). Evidence from field measurements and satellite imaging of impact of Earth rotation on Lake Iseo chemistry, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44, 14–25. DOI: 005
- Valerio, G., Cantelli, A., Monti, P., and Leuzzi, G. (2017). A modeling approach to identify the effective forcing exerted by wind on a pre-alpine lake surrounded by a complex topography. Water Resources Research, 53(5), 4036–4052, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR020335
- Maranzoni, A., Pilotti, M., Tomirotti M., (2017). Experimental and numerical analysis of side weir flows in a converging channel, J. Hydraulic Engrg., ASCE, Volume 143, Issue 7, DOI:
- Cantelli A., Monti, P., Leuzzi, G., Valerio G. and Pilotti, M. (2017), Numerical simulations of mountain winds in an alpine valley. Wind and Structures, Vol. 24, No. 6 (2017) 565-578. DOI:
- Milanesi, L., Pilotti, M., Bacchi, B. (2016), Using web-based observations to identify thresholds of a person’s stability in a flow, Water Resources Research, 52, DOI: 10.1002/2016WR019182
- Pilotti, M. (2016), Extraction of cross sections from digital elevation model for one-dimensional dam-break wave propagation in mountain valleys, Water Resources Research, 52, 52–68, DOI:10.1002/2015WR017017.
- Milanesi, L., Pilotti, M., Clerici A. and Gavrilovic Z. (2015), Application of an improved version of the erosion potential method in alpine areas, Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, VOL. 1, pages 17-30, 2015. DOI: 10.4408/IJEGE.2015-01.O-02
- Milanesi, L., Pilotti, M., Ranzi, R. (2015), A conceptual model of people’s vulnerability to flood, Water Resources Research, 51, doi:10.1002/2014WR016172.
- Valerio, G., Pilotti, M., Barontini, S., Leoni, B. (2014), Sensitivity of the multiannual thermal dynamics of a deep pre-alpine lake to climatic change, Hydrological Processes, Volume 29, Issue 5, pages 767–779, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10183.
- Guyennon N., Valerio, G., Salerno, F., Pilotti, M., Tartari, G., Copetti, D. (2014), Internal wave weather heterogeneity in a deep multi-basin subalpine lake resulting from wavelet transform and numerical analysis, Advances in Water Resources, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.06.013.
- Pilotti, M., Maranzoni, A., Milanesi L., Tomirotti M., Valerio G. (2014), Dam-break modeling in alpine valleys, Journal of Mountain Science 11(6): 1429-1441, doi: 10.1007/s11629-014-3042-0
- Pilotti, M., Simoncelli, S., Valerio, G. (2014), Computing the transport time scales of a stratified lake on the basis of Tonolli’s model, J. Limnol., 2014; 73(3): 551-561, doi:10.4081/jlimnol.2014.897.
- Pilotti, M., Simoncelli, S., Valerio, G. (2014), A simple approach to the evaluation of the actual water renewal time of natural stratified lakes, Water Resources Research, VOL. 50, Issue 4, pages 2830–2849, doi:10.1002/2013WR014471.
- Pilotti, M., Valerio, G., Gregorini, L., Milanesi L. and Hogg C. (2014), Study of tributary inflows in Lake Iseo with a rotating physical model , J. Limnol., Vol 73, No 1, doi: 10.4081/jlimnol.2014.772.
- Pilotti, M., Valerio, G., Leoni, B. (2013), Data Set For Hydrodynamic Lake Model Calibration: A Deep Pre-Alpine Case,Water Resources Research, VOL. 49, 7159–7163, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20506.
Mazzoleni, M., Bacchi, B., Barontini, S., Di Baldassarre, G., Pilotti, M., and Ranzi, R. (2013). Flooding Hazard Mapping in Floodplain Areas Affected by Piping Breaches in the Po River, Italy.J. Hydrol. Eng., ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000840.
Pilotti, M., Tomirotti M., Valerio G. and Milanesi L. (2013): Discussion on Experimental investigation of reservoir geometry effect on dam-break flow by A.Feizi Khankandi, A. Tahershamsi And S. Soares-Frazão, J. Hydraulic Res., IAHR, 50(4), 2012, 376–387., Journal of Hydraulic Research, 51:2, 220-222
- Valerio, G., Pilotti, M., Marti, C.L., and Imberger J., The structure of basin scale internal waves in a stratified lake in response to lake bathymetry and wind spatial and temporal distribution: Lake Iseo, Italy. Limnology and Oceanography, Volume 57, Issue 3, pp. 772-786 (May 2012).
- Pilotti, M., A. Maranzoni, M. Tomirotti and G. Valerio, The 1923 gleno dam-break: case study and numerical modelling, J. Hydraulic Engrg., ASCE, Volume 137, 480 (2011).
- Pilotti, M., M. Tomirotti, G. Valerio, and B. Bacchi, Simplified Method for the Characterization of the Hydrograph following a Sudden Partial Dam Break, J. Hydraulic Engrg., ASCE, Volume 136, Issue 10, pp. 693-704 (October 2010).
- Pilotti, M. Viscous flow in three-dimensional Reconstructed Porous Media , Int. J. Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 27, 633-649, 2003.
- Pilotti, M., Succi S., Menduni G., Energy dissipation and permeability in porous media , Europhysics Letters, 60 (1) , 72-78, 2002.
- Pilotti M., Menduni G., Beginning of sediment transport of incoherent grains in shallow shear flows, Journal of Hydraulic Research, IAHR, 39, 115-124, 2001.
- Pilotti M., Reconstruction of Clastic Porous Media , Transport in Porous Media, 41, 3, 359-364, 2000.
- Pilotti M., Generation of Realistic Porous Media by Grains Sedimentation , Transport in Porous Media, 33, 257-278, 1998.
- Pilotti, M., Bacchi, B., Distributed Evaluation of the Contribution of Soil Erosion to the Sediment yield from a Watershed,Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 22, 1239-1251, 1997.
- Pilotti, M., Menduni, G., Castelli E., Monitoring the Inception of Sediment Transport by Image Processing Techniques ,Experiments in Fluids, 23, 3, 202-208, 1997.
- Pilotti M., Menduni G., Application of Lattice Gas techniques to the Study of Sediment Erosion and transport Caused by Laminar Sheetflow,Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 22, 885-893,1997.
- Pilotti, M., Gandolfi C., Bischetti G.B. Identification and Analysis of Natural Channel Networks from Digital Elevation Models , Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 21, 1007-1020, 1996.
Some other recent publications in International Conferences
- Farina, G., Pilotti, M., Milanesi, L. (2022) A simple method for the enhancement of river bathymetry in LIDAR DEM, Proceedings 7th IAHR Europe Congress, September 7– 9, 2022, Athens, Greece
- Pilotti, M., Farina, G., Bonomelli, R., Milanesi, L. (2022) Physically Based Vulnerability Functions for flood risk mapping in mountain area, Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June, 2022 Granada, Spain.
- Volpini, S., Pilotti, M., Valerio, G. (2022) Modeling the hydrodynamics of a wetland subjected to strong urban and agricultural pressures (Torbiere del Sebino, Italy), Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June, 2022 Granada, Spain.
- Farina, G., Bonomelli, R., Pilotti, M. (2022) Effects of Anthropic Changes on the Propagation of the Gleno Dam Break Wave in the Valle Camonica Floodplain, Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 19-24 June, 2022 Granada, Spain.
- Volpini, S., Pilotti, M., Valerio, G. (2021) Modeling the hydrodynamics of a wetland under strong anthropic pressures (Torbiere del Sebino, Italy), 35th Congress of The International Society of Limnology, SIL.
- Pilotti, M., Milanesi, L. (2019). Flood vulnerability functions for people and vehicles in urban areas. XXIV International Conference Living and Walking in Cities, Brescia, 12-13 September 2019.
- Milanesi, L., & Pilotti, M. (2018). Thresholds of People Stability to Floods from Web Based Observations. Proceedings of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress, Trento, 12-14 June 2018.
- Valerio, G., Pilotti, M. (2018). Impact of the monitoring methodologies on the estimation of the riverine phosphorus load delivered to a lake. Proc. of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress — New Challenges in Hydraulic Research and Engineering, Trento, 12-14 June 2018.
- Barone, L., Pilotti, M., Murgioni, M., Valerio, G., Chapra, S., Balistrocchi, M., Milanesi, (2019), Measuring and modelling the nutrients residual load from the combined sewer of the eastern shore of Lake Iseo, 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, 23-26 September, Palermo – ITALY
- Milanesi L., Pilotti M., Ranzi R., People and buildings vulnerability to floods in mountain areas, 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT, 781-788, 2016.
- Milanesi L., Pilotti M., Ranzi R., G. Valerio, Methodologies for hydraulic hazard mapping in alluvial fan areas, in: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water–Society Interactions, Proceedings of ICWRS2014, Bologna, Italy, 4-6 June 2014, IAHS Publication n.364, Wallingford (UK), ISBN: 978-1-907161-42-1, 267-272, 2014.
- Barontini, S. Grottolo, M., Pilotti, M. (2013), Inferring the Hydraulic Properties of a Historical Soil: A Revisiting of Perrault’s Experiments, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 19, 590–598, ISSN 1878-0296, doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.067.
- Milanesi L., Pilotti M. and G. Valerio, The application of environmental flow regulations to small hydropower plants in alpine areas, Internation Workshop on Hydraulic Design of Low-head Structures, Aachen, Germany, 2013.
- Milanesi L., Pilotti M., and Clerici A., The Application of the Erosion Potential Method to Alpine Areas: Methodological Improvements and Test Case, in G. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 3, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09054-2_73, © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014